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Minimalist Home Design Bricks Recent Exposure

Minimalist Home Design Bricks Recent Exposure - House minimalist to the current home has become one of the main options for those of you new to have a small family or newly married. For a minimalist home this time with the latest design and a unique display that should be a comfortable home that is minimalist design minimalist house brick exposed. For a minimalist house with a view of a brick wall this exposure would be one phenomenal home design. Because a house like this in previous years are still rarely loved, let alone look like a house that has not been made in plaster or concrete.

But if you are clever to apply and also to combine the natural color of course can be an elegant mansion like villa on a hill. House with exposed stone look is now becoming one of the most widely design examples to get an impression of art and design more character. Exposed brick minimalist home also made the concept more captivating. See also exposed brick walls make the house become much simpler.

For a minimalist house Exposed brick is made with a variety of concepts accurately. The house is made with a solid foundation and a simple shape but for the interior is made like a classic elegant home. Exposed brick house also can be made of various types. Starting from the house type 36, type 45, type 50, type 60, type 70, type 90 and type 100. However most home designs are customized with the environment. And usually wear with the type 60.

Because the house with the type 60 is obviously bigger and wider for each part of the room. in addition to paint the walls themselves in accordance with the existing brick color to be more natural impression. Therefore if you want to be able to have an ideal home and also with a view of a brick this expose you must already prepare for whatever is needed, including you prepare your budget right. Houses like this are more suitable in a cool area and not in urban areas.

Interior Kitchen With Exposed Bricks
For the kitchen is one room that is very important because as a place to cook you all day and also a place for you to store various household appliances and also store food. The kitchen itself requires foremost cleanliness dami maintaining health around the room.

In addition to the kitchen can apply a natural color dair modern exposed brick. With typical color brown bricks to make the room as the kitchen becomes more elegant. In addition you can also apply room with some furniture supporters such as kitchen sets and refrigerators for a place to store food.

The Elegant Interior Living Room
For the interior you can also inspire so little living space more beautiful and elegant. The living room can be applied with a natural brown color of the bricks exposed famous more muted.

In addition to parts of pottery course you can replace with wood famous ceramic art gives the impression of rustic and more elegant. With the system more orderly arrangement of the room like sofas, tables and vases make home living room becomes more comfortable in view and simpler.

Exposed brick terrace With The Natural Color
Part porch view would be most important to people passing by. Due to its own patio into the house face the most admired. Terrace house you usually make a place for recreation can also be applied to the color of exposed brick and white coated for part of each corner. Besides its own terrace can be created with themes such as the wooden house where tables and chairs lined up each other on.

Part floor you can also combine or can be changed from the ceramic into a wooden floor or it could be otherwise. Provided that the combination of fit and more orderly. In addition to the selection of wall paint color similar to the color of the bricks would be more durable in order to withstand any kind of weather including humid weather and extreme heat.

Thus the end of the discussion we hope this design can be a beautiful and suitable design for your dream home. you still continue to visit our web and watch other beautiful designs also only in this web. thanks for your time and congratulations you read this article at home.

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